The formula to convert kilowatts to horsepower is:
\[ HP = kW \cdot 1.34102209 \]
Kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power equal to 1,000 watts. Horsepower (HP) is a unit of power that is approximately equal to 745.7 watts.
Let's assume the following value:
Using the formula:
\[ HP = 10 \cdot 1.34102209 = 13.41 \]
Kilowatts (kW) | Horsepower (HP) |
0.01 | 0.01 |
0.1 | 0.13 |
1 | 1.34 |
2 | 2.68 |
3 | 4.02 |
4 | 5.36 |
5 | 6.71 |
6 | 8.05 |
7 | 9.39 |
8 | 10.73 |
9 | 12.07 |
10 | 13.41 |
10 | 13.41 |
20 | 26.82 |
30 | 40.23 |
40 | 53.64 |
50 | 67.05 |
60 | 80.46 |
70 | 93.87 |
80 | 107.28 |
90 | 120.69 |
100 | 134.10 |
110 | 147.51 |
200 | 268.20 |
300 | 402.31 |
400 | 536.41 |
500 | 670.51 |
600 | 804.61 |
700 | 938.72 |
800 | 1,072.82 |
900 | 1,206.92 |
1000 | 1,341.02 |
1100 | 1,475.12 |
2000 | 2,682.04 |
3000 | 4,023.07 |
4000 | 5,364.09 |
5000 | 6,705.11 |
6000 | 8,046.13 |
7000 | 9,387.15 |
8000 | 10,728.18 |
9000 | 12,069.20 |
10000 | 13,410.22 |
A kilowatt (kW) is a metric unit of power that measures the rate of energy consumption or production. It is equal to 1,000 watts, which is nearly equivalent to 1.34 horsepower[^1^]. Kilowatts are used in various applications such as:
Horsepower (HP) is a unit of power that is approximately equal to 745.7 watts. It is commonly used to measure the power output of engines and motors. Horsepower is used in various applications such as: